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How KAAN Observes National Adoption Month


How are you doing out there, friends? We know this is a challenging month for some of you.

Adoption is as much about pain and loss as about joy and love. It is as much about ethical concerns as it is about helping children to find families.

Put 200 people in a room and you will get 200 perspectives on adoption. Now, check yourself … how many of those speaking in your room are actually adoptees?

Here at KAAN, we applaud the many voices out there sharing their truths and flipping the script to more fully reflect experiences across the spectrum, especially those of adoptees. We hold up the work of advocates, activists, scholars, and all those who strive for improvement. That is what we celebrate, not the institution of adoption itself (which was not even the original intent of National Adoption Month anyway).

We use this month to recommit to our work … to our mission of connecting the community by providing opportunities for dialogue, education, and support. Would you believe November is one of our busiest months? Check out what’s going on right now …

  1. Proposal review: The selection process has begun to choose the backbone of next year’s conference … 8+ session blocks of offerings for adoptees, family members, professionals, and others.

  2. Main Stage lineup: We’re locking in performers, films, music, and other exciting activities to be announced soon!

  3. Youth Program development

  4. Advisory Council elections

  5. Budget/fundraising preparation

  6. Marketing/promotional discussions

  7. Conference staff assignments

  8. Site negotiations for future conferences

We promise you that our efforts in these and other areas are to improve the lives of adoptees, both directly and through providing their family members better understanding and tools for support.

We encourage you to join us, through doing any or all of the following:

  1. Donate towards our spectacular 20th anniversary conference #KAAN2018/ Caring for our Community: Mental Health, Self-Care, & Advocacy June 29-July 1, 2018 Minneapolis, MN

  2. Block the conference dates on your calendar

  3. Sign up when registration launches in mid-January (bonus: you get the early bird savings)

We’d like to close by expressing our gratitude to everyone who participates in and supports our community … our donors, volunteer staff, presenters, performers, leadership, attendees, and advisors. We count on you and appreciate your presence.

Many, many thanks to you all!

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