25 Years of KAAN Reflections - Stacy Schroeder

This year marks KAAN's 25th anniversary. As part of our celebration, we are sharing reflections from members of the KAAN community. In this post, Stacy Schroeder, adoptive parent, conference presenter, volunteer, and council member, shares some of her experiences with KAAN.
How/when did you first learn about KAAN?
2002 -- first conference (learned about KAAN via an adoption listserv that existed at the time)
2002-2021 -- participant (except 2006)
2007-2009 -- presenter
2008-2009 -- speaker coordinator
2008 -- appointed next ED; began leadership training/transition
2010 -- local conference coordinator then formally became ED
Sept 2018 -- stepped back from ED role
2020 -- assisted with program planning (not sure of the official term)
What has been KAAN's importance to you?
It is impossible to imagine what I would be like if I had not encountered KAAN. This organization has shaped me personally and professionally. It played a major role in my development as an adoptive parent, sister, and friend and both broadened and deepened my understanding of race and many other things as well. I met so many fascinating people who became teachers, mentors, and friends. Communities like this--where adoptees of all ages gather and parents, spouses, and others are included and empowered as allies--are so vital. Serving as KAAN's executive director challenged and drained me; it also lifted me up and changed my life. Thank you!
This year marks KAAN's 25th anniversary. We look forward to continuing to connect, empower, and support members of the adoptee community for the next 25 years (and beyond!) but we need your help to do so. You can contribute to our mission by joining our 25 for 25 campaign.
Donate at this link. Suggested donations are $25, $250, and $2,500 but any amount makes an impact.